News & Notes

2024 48 Hour Project MURDER ON THE 31ST


Team WIFV participated in the 48-hour film project event again in 2024. We were very excited to have a large group of volunteers. Friday night sheri ratick stroud attended the kickoff and pulled the genre Tearjerker or Whodunit. The writing team of 7 people kicked in as soon as the phone call was made. The selected genre was WHODUNIT. By 11:30 pm we had a script. The actors who were cast were notified and sent the script. The actors not used were also notified. No one was left hanging.

Saturday began with a production meeting at 7:30 am. People were introduced, and responsibilities were discussed. By 8:30 am the actors showed up for a table read and discussion of characters. As always, there were necessary re-dos when producing a film with short pre-production period but, all in all, it was a great day. Most actors were out by 6, and the remaining were all out the door by 8 pm. We must do a big shout out thank you to Sharon Sobel and her husband, Dave, who gave us their home for the weekend, including housing a few production people who lived too far away to go home.

Sunday was editing day. Our editor was fabulous. He worked long hours, starting late Saturday. We were over the time allotment, so it was challenging to cut the film down to the maximum time of 7 minutes plus a minute for creds.

We should be proud of the volunteers who made this happen (see below). The set atmosphere was fun. Late in the day, when everyone was getting tired, we took a moment to run around the house and jump and shout out crazy things. This brought our energy up and we finished on a high.

Our film was screened on Friday, May 17 at AFI Silver. WE WON THE TEAM SPIRIT AWARD FOR OUR TIME PERIOD. BRAVO TEAM! We had a large turnout at AFI. Many came in Halloween costumes since our film took place on Halloween. Sheri, the director, brought candy that was thrown around the audience with Happy Hallow-day wishes. It was a fun night. Thursday, June 6th will be a special showing of the top films of the DC 48-hour film project. After that, the awards will be announced. We will keep you posted on our place in the DC competition.

2024 48 HOUR Team WIFV crew and actors:
Director/Producer: sheri ratick stroud
DP: Andy Espinoza, Migi Fabara
Lighting: Cassidy Edwards
Writers: Jane Barbara, Renata Philips, Cassidy Edwards, Maggie Mulloy, Jill Ray, Geri Reinhart, Laura Kroeger
Editors: Andrew Jones, Sharon Sobel
Sound: Kirk Young
Props: Sharon Sobel
Set Dressing: Cassidy Edwards
Costume/Makeup/Hair: Mandy Steen
Production Assistants: Renata Philips, Jill Ray, Maggie Mulloy, Cassidy Edwards, Matthew Hegedus
Craft Service: Matilda Mubiru
Photographer: Renata Philips
Script Supervisor/Continuity: Geri Reinhart
Actors: Adrien Silas, Gale Nemec, Joel Snyder, John Aaron, Kathy Schmoke, Alison Bauer

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