By Aaron Marcus
Watch the 23 Great Side Hustle Jobs For Actors and Models video.
It is very hard to make a living as an actor or model. This is especially true when you are first getting started. If you are wanting to make acting or modeling your full-time job, here are a few suggestions to help you pursue your dreams and still make a living.
1. Make sure you have enough money saved up so you can live without any income for at least 3-6 months. This will allow you to focus all of your attention on acting or modeling.
2. Make sure you find a great headshot and or commercial photographer. This will give you your best chance of finding an agent. And, you can begin marketing and submitting yourself for projects.
3. If you are an actor, make sure your resume is in the proper format.
4. Have the needed equipment and learn how to shoot home auditions.
5. It is best to have supplemental income (cash flow) that is generated without having to spend much time generating the money. Rental properties /Air B&B can be great sources of monthly income. Or, having strong financial investments that offer monthly income can be very helpful.
However, most actors and models aren’t fortunate enough to be in those situations.
Role Playing Jobs
Government agencies, such as TSA, Homeland Security, FBI, etc… hire actors to help train employees. You could be someone trying to smuggle something illegal onto a plane, and the TSA employee needs to practice how to deal with this situation.
Some law schools hire actors to allow their students to practice working in a courtroom in a mock trial. The actor could be hired as a witness or a jury member. The actor will be given all of the background information of the case and answer appropriately. It is essentially, an improv session.
Some attorneys want to practice and get a reaction about an opening argument or other aspects of their upcoming trial. A “role player” is hired to help test ideas and give the attorney a better perspective of his or her argument.
Standardized Patient Work
Actors are hired by some teaching hospitals and medical schools. It gives the medical school students or residents the opportunity to have more experience with examining patients. The actor is told about their disease. Things like, how long they have been sick, side effects of their medication, the types of medication they are taking, how they are currently feeling, etc…
Although the backstory is not memorized, the actor needs to be very familiar with their disease. And, they must be able to answer all of the questions asked.
After the exam, the actor writes a report and grades the student/doctor on how well he/she did during the exam. This is also a great opportunity to practice improv.
What type of art you are pursuing, it can be so helpful to have some side hustle money coming in. On the video channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WdieakkoHA
share any side job that you have found helpful.
23 Side Hustle Jobs / Links
Below are 23 side hustle jobs that allow actors and models to earn money and still have time to audition and work on sets.
Learning how to shoot headshots or commercial photos could be a great side hustle job
None of these are the typical bartending or waiter type jobs. And, quite a few listed allow actors to use their skills while earning money to cover monthly expenses.
Let me and others know about other side hustle jobs you have done that helped you pay the bills while pursuing acting or modeling jobs.
Audio Book Reader: acx.com (This is Amazon’s audio book program)
Construction: snagajob.com/i/construction-jobs/
Dancer at Parties: gigsalad.com/dance
Focus Groups: focusgroup.com
Headshot Photographer: just find actors and models to shoot
House Sitting: thumtrack.com
Mock Jury Trial: ejury.com
Murder Mystery: grimprov.com
Personal Trainer: burnalong.com
Product Reviews: productreportcard.com
Promotional Work: gogorillamedia.com
Reader for a Casting Director: weaudition.com
Role Playing: peersandplayers.com
Sell Your Services: fiverr.com
Standardized Patient Work: https://aspehq.memberclicks.net/sp-programs-around-the-world
Substitute Teacher: teachers-teachers.com/search-jobs
Survival Jobs: survivaljobsforactors.com
Transcription Services: remote-jobs/transcription
Tutoring: wyzant.com
Writing articles or blogs: writers.com
Valet Parking Attendant: crystalparking.com
Virtual Assistant: virtualstaffinder.com
Web Designer: dice.com
Aaron Marcus, Actor, Model, Author & Mentor
Aaron Marcus has been a full-time actor for 36 + years. He has been cast in over 1,285 acting and modeling jobs. He was cast in the soon to be released Netflix feature, White Noise, HBO mini-series We Own This City, currently shooting A Man Called Otto (Tom Hanks) and worked on the ABC pilot Heart of Life. He also worked on the feature Irresistible, Amazon’s show Thespian(recurring), had a recurring role on the Netflix show House of cards, Gotham, Mr. Robot, Do No Harm, Law & Order: CI, The Wire to name a few.
YouTube Channel – Access and learn from his 250 + free acting and modeling quick tip video library
Aaron Marcus has written “How to Become a Successful Actor and Model.” This book is considered by many to be the most important book for the industry and has more than 100 – 5-star ratings on Amazon.
Private Online Mentoring – Aaron saves 5 days each month to help actors and models have success with his private online mentoring programs: http://howtomodel.com/mentoringprogram
Virtual and In-Person Workshops – Aaron has given his Book the Job seminar: over 800 times spanning 3 continents.
Get On Aaron’s Mailing List and Receive Acting and Modeling Information (including auditions/jobs) Howtoactandmodel.com
Aaron can be reached howtoactandmodel.com
Friend: facebook.com/howtomodel
Follow: twitter.com/aaronrmarcus
Mentoring Program: http://howtoactandmodel.com/mentoringprogram
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Subscribe: youtube.com/c/aaronmarcusactingandmodelingquicktips
Office Phone: 410-764-8270