What film do you think everyone should watch? CAMERAPERSON. This film is basically a memoir of a documentarian, and is an incredibly emotional and accurate ride. If you’re considering a career in this industry, this film will give you an understanding of what you’re getting yourself into.
What’s your favorite part about living and working in the DC/MD/VA region?
I’m from DC but live in Baltimore – and I love the duality between the two cities. DC is very journalistic and factual, and has a lovely and comparatively expansive production infrastructure. Baltimore is scrappy and artistic, and there are some really wonderful grassroots communities here that I didn’t feel I had access to in DC. Both cities have fantastic merits. I’m grateful to have spent time in each.
Who inspires you?
Ramona Diaz, Marilyn Ness, Penelope Cruz, Ava DuVernay… Any femme documentarian who is further along in their career than I am. Artists I’ve been able to connect and collaborate with in Baltimore – that really push me creatively. Of course my mom, who always helps me take a breath. My friends; queer people, BIPOC folks. Writers like Angela Davis… Anyone struggling to make the world a better, more just place. There are far too many inspirational people to list!
What story do you wish someone would tell?
I wish there was a magic bullet of a story that would push the right buttons for people to create a more sustainable and equitable socio- economic system in the United States, and that someone would tell it with verve.
What’s your favorite place to celebrate success with your crew?
Any place is good when you’re with the right people. 🙂
To celebrate WIFV’s 40th Anniversary, we reached out to the community to nominate the colleagues they admire. We are honored to have these filmmakers in our community as mediamakers, advocates, and mentors. They are filmmakers we admire.