News & Notes

Andy Edmunds Recommends

What film do you think everyone should watch?
Loving – a film by Director/Writer Jeff Nichols… filmed in VA… true story about LOVE, equality and justice.

What’s your favorite part about living and working in the DC/MD/VA region?

Continuity. While I have travelled to all parts of the globe, I have called this place Home my entire life. Coming home always feels good. Cultural, topographical and architectural diversity – all contribute to make this a treasured region; for residents, and storytellers.

Who inspires you?
That’s a long list, and ever-growing. Right now it’s 22 year old poet Amanda Gorman.

What story do you wish someone would tell?
The story of Virginia’s Indigenous Indian culture – they were the first North American residents affected by global colonial expansion in the 17th century, and then required to denounce their heritage through institutional racism in the 20th century.

What’s your favorite place to celebrate success with your crew?
In a large theater, at a premiere, celebrating the work we have done together!

To celebrate WIFV’s 40th Anniversary, we reached out to the community to nominate the colleagues they admire. We are honored to have these filmmakers in our community as mediamakers, advocates, and mentors.

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