News & Notes

Scott Wins Showdown Audience Award

Long-term member Lisa Scott is a former Washington DC catering chef, but after years of feeding some of the most prestigious people in politics Lisa discovered she is plagued with a vivid fantasy life, filled with fantastic daydreams. She began writing stories about people who have traditionally been unrepresented in Hollywood films, giving a voice to those who need to be heard. Lisa has placed well in major screenwriting contests, including Athena Film Festival TV Lab, Austin Film Festival, and 2x in the Top 5% of the Nicholl Fellowship.

Last month Lisa won a semi-finalist spot in the Filmocracy Scriptwriters Showdown (Drama Genre Edition) a live screenwriting contest where writers are given a prompt and had one hour to write a short in front of a live audience. After the audience voted in the first round the top 3 scripts went on to a live table read with actors. Lisa went on the to the finals and after the table read received 40% of the audience votes giving her the Audience Award and 3rd place from the Filmocracy judges.

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