News & Notes

Anacostia Youth Media Fest Success

When filmmaker Brigid Maher screened EXPERIMENTAL CURATOR at the Minneapolis/Saint Paul International Film Festival, she also attended the festival’s Next Frame Youth Program, founded by Craig Laurence Rice (Minneapolis College of Art and Design) and now run by Deborah Girdwood (Walker Art Center).

Maher was so blown away by the one-day event, she went home and wrote a grant to do the same thing and thus the Anacostia Youth Media Festival was born! We were thrilled our Anacostia Youth Media Festival events sold out. We had over 100 youth and family participate from all over the city and attend events at the two-day festival. We gave out $800 in cash awards (THANK YOU DONORS!) and eight outstanding awards! We had a standing room only screening on May 20th!

We are planning our planning our next year and we’d love continued support. Your tax-deductible donations will go directly to youth programming and events designed in collaboration between American University faculty and students and participating DC youth and families.

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