News & Notes

Morning Ag Clips Features Franceschi Film

FOOD, FIBER, & THE FEMALE FARMER is conservation filmmaker Cheryle Franceschi’s fourth original documentary and slated for release in 2024 was recently featured in an article by Morning Ag Clips. A tapestry of authentic stories connecting history, food systems, and the planet—herself. In the film, one story shows how restoration efforts from Horn Point Laboratory, which is part of the University of Maryland System, are improving the waters and oyster populations in the State of Maryland. According to Horn Point Hatchery Manager Stephanie Tobash Alexander, “Last year, we produced over 6.7 billion eyed larvae to produce the 1.76 billion spat. Broken out as 75% of larvae went to restoration and 25% went to industry plantings.”

As of Earth Month 2024, Franceschi’ sister documentary; FOREST HER: The Next Wave of Conservation has received festival laurels from the Utopia Film Festival, the Community Stories Film Festival (Environmental Voices Track) and the Maryland International Film Festival. It is being offered by NETA Program Services to PBS stations. Efforts are being made to have Por Eco Productions, One Idea/Dos Languages present FOOD, FIBER, & THE FEMALE FARMER to public television for station carriage. More info here. WIFV is the fiscal sponsor for this film. You can make your donation here.

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