Ep. 071 – “Women of Valor” Doc: Orthodox Women Find Their Voice

Israeli director, Anna Somershaf sits down with host Sandra Abrams in this episode to talk about her award-winning feature documentary, Women of Valor. The film follows the odyssey of Esty Shushan, an orthodox mother and wife, as she seeks to change the law for Haredi women to be elected representatives to Israel’s Knesset. Over a five year period, there are many obstacles, especially from ultra-religious men, as these Orthodox women become modern-day Suffragettes, fighting to have their own voices heard. For some Orthodox women, it comes at a high cost. The film is in both Hebrew and English, and is the winner of the Best Documentary Feature at the 2023 Richmond International Film Festival. In their conversation, you’ll hear about the journey of getting the film made and more specifics about the powerful documentary.

LINK TO TRAILER: https://vimeo.com/584628555
LINK TO FILM’S FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/womenofvalor.film

To watch the conversation: