Advisory Council

Composed of leaders in the media industry, these women serve as advisors to the WIFV Board and membership.

  • Michal Carr, Chair Hillmann & Carr, Inc.
  • Monica Lee Bellais Screenwriter/Producer
  • Lauren Cardillo Fusilli Films, LLC
  • Amy DeLouise DeLouise Enterprises LLC
  • Michelle Delino Michelle Delino Media
  • Grace Guggenheim Guggenheim Productions, Inc.
  • Frances Hardin Media Consultant
  • Beth Mendelson Voice of America
  • Laura Possessky Corporation for Public Broadcasting
  • Rosemary Reed Double R Productions
  • Robin Smith Video/Action
  • Barbara Valentino Evolving Communications
  • Donna Woolf Filmmaker
  • Catherine Wyler Wyler/Rymland Productions
  • Sara Barger, Board Liaison WIFV Immediate Past President

Legacy Circle

Composed of many founding members of WIFV, these women are trailblazers!

  • Ginny Durrin Durrin Productions
  • Phylis Geller NormanStar Media
  • Judith Dwan Hallet Judith Dwan Hallet Productions, Inc.
  • Jennifer Lawson Filmmaker
  • Bonnie Nelson Schwartz Cultural Strategies
  • Ruth Pollak Filmmaker