Over the weekend of July 26 to 28, Wonder Pictures in conjunction with Robin’s Nest Media Productions filmed their latest short titled BATS IN THE BELFRY. Written by Robin Noonan-Price, owner of Robin’s Nest Media Productions, this short recounts an actual event that happened to Robin’s Italian grandmother. A bat flew into her house, family was called to help and what ensued was a comedy of errors. Though some dramatic license was taken, overall, it is a true story. The film is now in post-production and will be submitted to the festival circuit when completed. WIFV members were on set – Robin Noonan-Price, writer (WIFV Past President); sheri ratick stroud, Executive Producer (WIFV Board Member/Chair of Women of Vision); Sandra Brennan, Script Supervisor (WIFV Board Member), Michael Moser, Director of Photography, Sofia Sandoval, as the granddaughter (Programming Staff with WIFV), and Geri Reinhart, Craft Services and PA (member). We welcomed a new member to WIFV, Julia Smith (Robin’s niece) who was our PA/production photographer on the set. It was a great weekend. Not only did we create, but we had a great time being together