Code of Conduct

Women in Film & Video DCCode of Conduct

Women in Film & Video (WIFV) provides educational and networking opportunities for screen-based media makers, celebrates women’s creative and technical achievements in media, and advocates for parity both in front of and behind the camera to ensure that all voices can be heard. A 501(c)(3) non-profit community benefit organization founded in 1979, WIFV is the premier professional resource for people who want successful media careers in the DC-metro region. Our resources, connections and advocacy support a vibrant, creative media community.

We promote equity and inclusion and do our best to ensure that we, and consequently any of the users, projects or programs on our site are not aiding or perpetuating harm to any segment of the community. We may block or remove a user’s profile and access if we believe their presence may cause harm. That said, we support projects and programs that challenge perspectives or can encourage healthy and engaging conversations.

Community guidelines: Online

We strive to provide a safe space for everyone regardless of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, health status, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military/ veteran status.


  1. Keep in mind that many professional members of WIFV will view your e-mail.  Although this is an electronic medium, in the end you are speaking directly to real people.
  2. Be brief, write clearly, and use good common sense.
  3. If you disagree with another’s thoughts and wish to respond, you should do so DIRECTLY.  Please do not hit “Reply all,” as that will post your message on the listserv to be viewed by the entire WIFV community.
  4. Do not send duplicate or repetitive messages.  If announcing an event, reserve your reminder notice for the week prior to the event.
  5. Be specific and concise in your subject line.  “No Subject” postings are not permitted. Please use “OT” when the subject is “off-topic” (i.e. anything not related to our industry).
  6. When asking the listserv for suggestions or information (both professional and OT) please post a follow-up to the listserv with a summary of the information that was provided to you.
  7. Job search postings, resume postings, press release postings, and/or advertising products or services are NOT permitted.
  8. Any self-promotional announcements (including screenings or television airings, blogs, and classes offered) must be emailed to the Executive Director at the WIFV office for review, not posted directly to the listserv. If the announcement follows the listserv guidelines, the Executive Director will send out the posting on behalf of the member.
  9. Attachments, images, and HTML text to listserv postings are NOT permitted.
  10. Sharing a posting with another public forum without the original poster’s permission is NOT permitted. Many WIFV members recognize the value of recommendations of their colleagues and only want to work with WIFV resources.  Sharing the posting with an individual who is an appropriate resource for the original poster is permitted.
  11. Women in Film & Video accepts no responsibility or legal liability for anything its members post on the WIFV listserv.  This is an open forum for WIFV members, and each member takes responsibility for his/her own postings.

Finally, a word about networking.  Please remember that the listserv is not the only way to network. The online WIFV directory lists members’ names, job titles, accomplishments, and contact info.  WIFV is always eager to accept articles about members and their accomplishments for the monthly newsletter.  Finally, it is recommended you attend a WIFV event to promote yourself in person.  The listserv should not be used as a substitute for good, old- fashioned networking.

Repeated disregard of the Listserv Guidelines will result in being removed from the listserv.  The WIFV Office does see all postings and does contact violators directly.  Feel free to report violations to   Questions?  Call the WIFV Office at 202-429-9438. Please know that WIFV closes its office in observance of Federal holidays.

Use your real name.

Your account should be built using your real name — whatever name you use to operate in the world should be the name you to interact with WIFV.

Do no harm.

Creators in particular are expected to do the research required to ensure their projects and presence on the site are not perpetuating harm to any segment of the community. (Especially if you’re telling a story that is not your own.) We may decline to host a project or block a user’s profile if we believe their presence may cause harm.

If you notice any behavior on the site that you think we need to know about, please contact us with details.

Community guidelines: In-person events

WIFV is committed to providing a welcoming, enriching, and harassment-free environment for participants. We provide respectful and equitable community spaces — wherever we gather.

If you are attending a WIFV event, even if it’s co-hosted by another organization, you agree to:

Be considerate and kind in speech and actions.  Acknowledge and respect the boundaries of other attendees.

Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech. If you feel that someone has harassed you or otherwise treated you inappropriately, please alert any member of the WIFV team.

If you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this code of conduct, even if they seem inconsequential, alert a member of the WIFV team.

If any attendee engages in harassing behavior, the program organizers may take any lawful action we deem appropriate, including but not limited to warning the offender or asking the offender to leave the program.

If you feel you have been unfairly accused of violating this code of conduct, you should contact a member of the WIFV team with a concise description of your grievance.  Any grievances filed will be considered by appropriate members of the WIFV team.

We welcome your feedback on this, and we thank you for working with us to make it a safe, enjoyable, and friendly experience for everyone who participates.

All due credit to Seed & Spark, PWL Camp, ORD Camp and the Django Project, upon whose codes of conduct this is very much based. By extension, credit to SRCCON’s Code of Conduct, Citizen Code of Conduct, and Theorizing the Web code of conduct “from which [ORD Camp has] extensively borrowed.” General thanks to the Ada Initiative’s “how to design a code of conduct for your community.”

ORD Camp’s version of the above text is licensed CC BY-SA 4.0.

WIFV will remove people completely at our own discretion based on our guidelines. Once an account is flagged for any reason, it goes under review and can be subject to removal.

Remember, you agreed to our Terms of Service by using our site.