Women in Film & Video DC 〉 Contributors
WIFV is honored to receive contributions from a range of individual, foundation, and business donors. Their contributions greatly assist Women in Film & Video in providing education, direct grants, and networking opportunities for media professionals as well as support for projects by fiscal sponsored filmmakers, and general operating support. Contributions may be made here. They are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Supporters since January 1, 2024 include:
Eric & Patty Abraham
Adele L. Abrams, Esq.
Sandra Abrams
Hallee Adelman
Lizzie Adelman
Susan Alefantis
Adam Alvarez
The American Online Giving Foundation
Sarah D. Anderson
Sondra N. Arkin
Artemis, Inc.
Cheryl Aylesworth
Sohini Baliga
Estella Banks
Jane Barbara
Andre Barber
Meredith and Andrew Barbour
Sara Barger
Ann Barnet
Beth Barnet
Michael Barnet
Judith Bartnoff & Gene Sofer
Alison Bauer
Lula Beatty
Rosemary Bednar
Anya Behn
Mildred Beim
Medea Benjamin
Phyllis Bennis
Joal Bennett
Brenda and Lee Michael Berg
Rabbi Stacy Bergman
Virginia Bertholet
Juliette Bethea
Peter Kai Bird
Blackmagic Design
Lorraine Blackwell
Candice Bloch
Suzanne Egan Bohle
Louann and Ronnie Bombet
Heather & Paul Booth
Thomas Bower
Marissa Boynton
Cinnamon Bradley
Jan Bramlett
Sandra Makrich Brennan
Jennifer Bresnan
Yael Bridge
Julianne Brienza
Julia Broder
Richard Brooks
Brown Giving Fund
Kayona Ebony Brown
Mary Ann Brownlow
Beth Bucheister
Stephen Burns
Sharon Burtner
Rebecca Bustamante
Bryce Butler
Frances & Francis Butler
Philip Capice Memorial Fund
The Capitol Hill Community Foundation
Karen E. Carolan
Lisa Carr
Michal Carr
Alexandra Carrera
Marian Castille
Stephen & Deborah Cavalier
Jonathan Cedarbaum
Amira & Richard Chadwick
Mary Jane Checchi
E. Samantha Cheng
Lisa Chung
Logan Clark
Astrid Roy Clements
The Coe Family
Ruth & Ed Cogen
Jenny Cohen
Thomas Cohen
Ronald Costell
The Covenant Foundation
CJ Crim
Alyscia Cunningham
Mary Ellen Cymrot
Sylvia Cyrus
Joan Danzinger
Angelica Das
Stuart Davidson
Peter Davis
Billie Day
DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities
DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music & Entertainment
Lori Degman
Simon de la Rouviere
Frauke and Willem de Looper Foundation
Thomas Devine
RoxAnn Dicker
Helen Dickerson
Sean Dickey
Carolyn B. Dodd & Richard S. Dodd II
Jennifer Dodenhoff
Karen Dolan
Judy Donner
Dorot Foundation
Steve Dunn
Jan DuPlain
Heidi Dupler
Joseph Dzikiewicz
Meera Eaton
Jay Elvove
Gregory Embree
Support provided by a grant from the Father John Enzler Fund, a component fund of the Greater Washington Community Foundation
The Eutopia Foundation
Fagus Foundation
Martha Faibisoff
Elisabeth Fall
Robin Farmer
Sandra Fathi
Michael Ferber
Robert Fersh
The Fertel Foundation
Michelle Ficara
Peggy & Pat Fleming
Rochelle Ford
For King and Country LLC
Wendy Forman
Amy & Cary Fowler
Joy Frelinghuysen
Abbie Friedman Family Foundation DAF
Andrew Friedman
Jennifer and Abe Friedman Family Philanthropic Fund
Friends of Alma Thomas
Friends of Cabin John Creek
Friends of Charlotte Hall
Janine Frier
Janet Fries
Mary & Frank Frost
Adrienne Fugh-Berman
Alan and Judy Gann
Jon Gann
Matthew Gann
Cheri Gaulke
Gem Star Foundation
Spring George
Janice S. Gin
Chrisa Giorgi
Nicole Githens
Marilyn Wong Gleysteen, PhD
Joshua Glick
Al Goldberg
Ellen Goodman
James Gordon
Stuart Gosswein
Bonnie Gottlieb
Barbara & Thomas Gottschalk
Ruth B. Gramlich Living Trust
Teresa Grana
Kiviette Gray
Jacqueline Greff
Catherine & Don Griffin
Robin Gross & Anthony Lehv Fund
Ernest Grossman
Lisa Grove
Grace Guggenheim Productions LLC
Zevi Gutfreund
Gwen’s Blends Spice House
Edward E. Haddock, Jr. Family Foundation
Sarah Haft
Marin Hagen
James Hall
Judith Dwan Hallet
Bonnie Hammerschlag
Debbie Dyner Harris
Kristin R. Harris
LaTrice Harrison
Halley Hastings
Hausman Family Fund
Richard B. Heroman
Seymour M. Hersh
Dawn Hester
Pamela & Richard Hinds Foundation
Richard Hinds
Gerald Hoffman
Tod Hopkins
Lynne & Joseph Horning
Melissa Houghton
Karen Howard
Jeffrey Huevel
Diana Ingraham
Annette Insdorf
Insight Memory Care Center
Lynne Iser & Mordechai Liebling
Mark Iwry
Tara Jabbari
Justine Jacob
Janis Jaquith
Carrie Jasper
Nick & Ariel Jenson
Jewish Foundation of Greater Baton Rouge
Anna Reid Jhirad
Miriam John
The Tom & Edwina Johnson Family Foundation Inc.
Chrishaun Jones
Marcela Jowett
Rick Kain
Karen & Dan Kainen
Kalantzakis Family
Jeremy Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kantrow, Sr.
Daniela & Seth Kaplan
Lori Kaplan
Clara Kelly
Kevin Killeen
Bobby Kinzer
Kiplinger Family Foundation
Laurie Kirby
Ronald Klain
Melissa Klein
Daniel Kramer
Lance Kramer
Barbara Krumsiek
David Kuebrich & Betsy Beyler
Andy Kuester
Debra & Paul Lamb
Lydia Latorre
Jeanne Lavan
Jennifer Lawson
April Lee
Anthony Lehv
Andrew Leone
Eileen Levitan
Gus Levy
Dottie Li
Jane & Kenneth Lieberthal
Eve Lilley
Lily Press LLC
Linda Lipsett – Jules Bernstein Charitable Gift Fund
Lismore Road Inc.
Erika Littlewood
Michael A. Lobel
Denese Lombardi
Rita Katherine Long
Kelly Long
Margarita Lopez
Dan Lowen
Norton and Rosalind Luger Charitable Trust
Susan Lutz
Susan and Arnie Lutzker
Lois Maffei
Jane Mansbridge
The Marcus Foundation
John Marks
David Marlin
Maryland Film Office
Geraldine Maslanka
Mattel, Inc.
Kameron Matthews
Matunuck Oyster Farm
Rhonda McDaniel
Monica M. McGinley
Lela Meadow-Conner
Donald Meltzer
Elizabeth Millstein
Jill Minneman & Tom Fulcher
Mark Mirviss
Roxana Moayedi
Anne Montgomery
Hale L. Montgomery
Nan Montgomery
Heather Morgan
Gilda Morris
Margaret C. Morrison & Sylvia L. Morrison
Rex Moser
LaNelle Mozell
Ashley & Joseph Muldoon III
Maggie Mulloy
Susana Naim
Philip Nash
National Endowment for the Arts
Diane & Tim Naughton BoA CGF
Bonnie Nelson-Schwartz
Marc Newman
Robin Noonan-Price & Stephen Price
Dalton Okolo
Aryani Ong
Maureen Orth
Kathi Overton
Sandra Parker
Shaunda Patterson-Strachan
Jean Peelen
Jane Petkofsky
Nancy Phelan
Birdie Pieczenik
Melissa Pomerantz
Cara Pomponio
Thorn Pozen
Adam Proujansky
Quicksilver Productions Foundation
Matthew Rachleff
A & M Radcliff Charitable Fund
Natalia Ramer & Maria Chaffee
Tony Randall Theatrical Fund
Kelly Randels
Lynn Raskin
Lawrence & Kathryn Rath
Gillian Ray
Mitch Rayner
Robert Redfield
Deborah Redmond
The Rencourt Foundation
Mark Ricche
John Richard
Kay Richman and David Kaplan Gift Fund
Tonya Robinson
Marcia Rock
Joel Rodriguez
Mike Rogge
Roman MediaWorks
Jean Rosolino
Deborah Sternberg Roth & Michael Roth
Pat & Dick Roth
Joe M. Rothstein & Sylvia Rothstein
Laura Roulet
Gina Rozier
Samuel Rubin Foundation
Susan Russell in honor of Helene Ageloff & Ilana Trachtman
Karen Ryan
Victor Sachse
Marc Sager
Sandy Audio Visual LLC
Anne Saul
Ellen Schneider
Lisa Scott
Sherrie Scott
Dveera Segal
Jane Seigler
R. Graham & Seu Ellen Setliff Fund, GWCF
Marjan Saghafi & Anas Shallal
Abba Shapiro
Anne Shaw
Abby Sher via the California Community Foundation
Claudia & Peter R. Sherman
Karen Simon
Sanford & Doris Slavin Foundation Fund
Sharon Sobel
The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation
Lois Sigman
Karen Simon
Dale Sirota
The Sirota Family Fund
The Sirovich Family
Ellen Skerrett
Support provided by a grant from the Sanford & Doris Slavin Foundation Fund, a component fund of the Greater Washington Community Foundation
Eleanor Smith
Mark Smith
Sheila Smith
Sharon Smith-Jones
The Winthrop H. Smith, Jr. Charitable Foundation
The Snider Foundation
Judith Snyderman
Silke Sonntag
South Street Properties
Kimberley Spire-Oh
Gregory Squires
Deirdre Stanley
Gary Stein
Eve Stern
Hans J. Sternberg 2016 Revocable Trust
Stevenson Weitz Trust
Connie St. John
Maggie Stogner
Terry Stratoudakis
sheri ratick stroud
Paul Sullivan
Tim Sun
Ingrid Sunzenauer
Swartz Foundation
Paul Tagliabue
Poet Taylor
Timothy & Amy Temple
Brie Terry
Melody Terry
Anjua Thatte
Brooks Thomson
Elysa Todd
Tracy Tolk
Anna Tong
Travis Memorial Endowment of the Yampa Valley Community Foundation
Sanho Tree
Trice Talent Services
Sandra Tropper
Kelly Trout
Turner Foundation Inc.
Bonnie Twietmeyer
Macavoy Tyree
Marta Urquilla
Phyllisina Vinson
James Voorhees
Zac Vujnov
Sara Walker
Melvia Wallace
Anastasia Walsh
Mary Beth Warner
Kate Waters
Michael Watts
Penny Weaver
Monda Raquel Webb
Felix and Lynn Weill
Jeff Weintraub
Lorenz A. Wheatley
Kate Widmann
D. D. Wigley
The Wilkes Family Foundation
Leo Winiarski
Stephen Winiarski
Kristina Wong
Catherine Wood
David Wood
The Woodbury Fund
Kristopher Woofter
Helen Yang
Sze C. Yang
David Yao
Barbara Young
Yuval Bar Zemer
Amy Harriette Ziering Trust
Jonathan Zurer