STREET REPORTER, directed by DC-based filmmaker Laura Waters Hinson, has qualified to compete at the 2023 Academy Awards in the Documentary Short category. The film tells the story of Sheila White, an aspiring photojournalist who discovers the power of her own voice while struggling to survive homelessness. The film was an outgrowth of Laura’s role as a film professor and director of the Community Voice Lab at American University and was collaboratively produced in partnership with StreetSense Media.
STREET REPORTER premiered at the Indy Shorts Film Festival where it won the Overall Audience Choice Award. It screened at prestigious festivals such as the Palm Springs International ShortFest, Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, United Nations Association Film Fest, and the Pan African Film Festival. STREET REPORTER won Best Short Documentary at the 2022 Annapolis Film Festival, the Social Impact Media Award for Creative Activism, and audience awards at the Austin Film Festival and DC Shorts Film Fest.
STREET REPORTER is currently engaged in a nationwide educational outreach campaign, making the film available for free to universities, schools and nonprofits that wish to host screenings that spark discussion on community-based solutions to homelessness and housing affordability. For more information on hosting a screening, click here.