News & Notes

International Co-Productions

WIFTI Summit 2012 and ScriptDC
University of California Washington Center in Washington, DC
December 2, 2012 4:15-5:45 pm

Writer: Faith DeVeaux, Writer/Producer/Director, member of WIFV DC

Ms. Schwartz is the founder and original producer of Washington, DC's Helen Hayes Awards.  She was a producer for NBC’s Closing Ceremonies at the Barcelona Olympic Games and created and produced The Olympic Woman, a multi-media exhibition and book, Grace and Glory, for the Atlanta Olympic Games.
Ms. Schwartz is the founder and original producer of Washington, DC’s Helen Hayes Awards.

The number one tip given during the WIFTI Summit 2012 panel on International Co-Productions was to get out there and make contacts. Meg Villarreal, of U.S. Independents, moderated an informal discussion on the subject, with panelists Bonnie Nelson Schwartz, Producer at Cultural Strategies, a U.S. producer with extensive international experience, and Helene Granqvist, CEO/Producer of Good Film and Postproduction, based in Sweden. Valeria Richter, a Danish producer who is Head of Studies at the Torino Film Lab, also contributed to the discussion.Bonnie stated that there are many different models, and referenced earlier panelist Peter Hamilton, who advised to go to the markets, and research the subject matter particular to each producer.Helene concurred, and noted that a lot of time is spent mingling and making connections. All noted that you will always have to pay in some way for this type of funding – there is no “free money.” Costs include having to spend certain amounts of money in the country providing the funding, and legal costs.

Helene advised not to try this type of partnership strictly for the money. Go for the people you’d like to work with, and the creative competence available. Bonnie listed where the story is set, and content, as additional reasons (besides money) to form an international co-production.Several markets were discussed, such as Cannes, Cinemart, Toronto, Berlin, Trieste, and the New Cinema Market as recommended to attend.

About the Writer
: Faith DeVeaux, Writer/Producer/Director, member of WIFV DC

Faith DeVeaux is the author of When Duty Calls, and the Writer/Producer/Director of the short films The Visit and Life and Time. She is currently in post-production with her WWII documentary Double Victory: Two Warriors in the Fight for Civil Rights During WWII.

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