News & Notes

Is there any market out there for DVD productions?

By: Sharon Sobel


I just finished creating 20 DVD labels for a job I’ve got this Saturday.

It’s been so long since I made DVDs, I had forgotten where I stored the blank labels.

But I DO still make DVDs for my clients. Even though I have gone through the efforts of learning webcasting, I know what makes a good webcast. I also know when a good ol’ DVD just can’t be beat.

Webcasting is great for events. Particularly for those events where you don’t expect to get as full an audience as you’d like, and it would be even better if that audience had an opportunity to participate like they were right there. So webcasting is a great delivery method for lots of kinds of applications—even weddings are being webcast these days so that Grandma can feel like she’s right there, even though she’s not able to travel these days. She no longer has to wait for a copy of the wedding video.

But when is a DVD better? Well, in this weekend’s assignment, the DVD has replaced the VHS tape, but will serve the same purpose: to provide a means of analysis. Just like sports play-by-play guys yell “Let’s go to the videotape!” to double-check a play and see what really happened, a DVD can be used to analyze performances and find room for improvement. That’s what I’ll be helping with this weekend. I’m creating DVDs of 20 marching bands in a competition. I just set my camera up on a wide shot, hook it up to a DVD recorder, and hit the “record” button. Each band director will walk away with a DVD at the end of the day of their band’s performance so that they have something to yell at the kids about on Monday morning. Glad to be of service.

So don’t throw away your DVDs and DVD burners. There’s still a market out there. However, those VHS sleeves and head cleaner cassette I stumbled across while looking for my labels? Yeah, I think those can probably go.


*Find this and more on Sharon’s blog Musings from the Maven

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