WIFTI Summit 2012
University of California Washington Center in Washington, DC
November 30, 2012 4:15-5:45 pm
Writer: Faith DeVeaux, Writer/Producer/Director, WIFV DC Member

Do you need funding? Of course! Maryanne Culpepper,
President of National Geographic Television, and Nina Seavey, Director of the Documentary Center at George Washington University, gave insights on this subject, and noted that this session was important because funding allows us to make a living at this craft, instead of it being a hobby. Both television and independent film funding options were discussed. Cable network commission opportunities are wide open, but producers must be sure to be familiar with network and the demographics
of those networks. The networks will determine the budgets and have editing control. Independent filmmakers have a tougher road for financing, but greater creative control. Dealing with investors requires legal advice. Independent filmmakers also have the option of crowdfunding sites and grants. Independent films picked up by networks are usually acquisitions. International co-productions were highly recommended, and was described as being easier to put together as may seem. It is recommended that producers put together a one page pitch, a sizzle reel trailer of two to two and a half minutes that covers the story and key characters, and any extra material that reveal the characters, as well as a target budget and a target delivery date before making presentations.
About the Writer: Faith DeVeaux, Writer/Producer/Director, Member of WIFV DC
Faith DeVeaux is the author of When Duty Calls, and the Writer/Producer/Director of the short films The Visit and Life and Time. She is currently in post-production with her WWII documentary Double Victory: Two Warriors in the Fight for Civil Rights During WWII.