What film do you think everyone should watch?
This is quite likely the hardest question you could ever ask me. It would have to be a documentary, and if I must pick one, it’s True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality. (Ernie & Joe: Crisis Cops is a close second.)
What’s your favorite part about living and working in the DC/MD/VA region?
The combination of talent and power in the DC region is simply unparalleled. Living so close to the White House, Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court, the Pentagon – to name but a few – we can start to take for granted how many major decisions are made in our backyard that impact people across the country – and around the world. As we all know, that power isn’t always used for good. But we are also a region full of skilled advocates and storytellers who, with the right approach, can shape how that power is used. As we say at p.h.balanced films: Stories Power Change. Stories Change Power.
Who inspires you?
Any person who feels a calling to leave the world better than they found it and follows that calling no matter what tries to hold them back inspires me.
What story do you wish someone would tell?
There’s a story that pulled me from human rights litigation into documentary film. It was a story whose pieces I began to gather and then a wide variety of roadblocks and detours arose, which opened onto a path that took me grand places I never could have imagined at the time. But that story is still out there and I’d like for it to someday be fully told.
What’s your favorite place to celebrate success with your crew?
Honestly, any place other than a virtual meeting platform would be marvelous right about now!