
Women in Film & Video DCRoundtables


Roundtables help Mid-Atlantic mediamakers connect with each other because we know that a strong community is vital to our success as individuals and as an organization. Our Roundtables give both WIFV members and non-members an opportunity to grow creatively by learning from one another. Active Roundtables: Screenwriters, Talent, Documentary, Editors, Animators, Hair/Makeup, and Narrative Directors.


Screenwriters Roundtable

The Screenwriters Roundtables are open to the general public. They provide a safe place for new and established writers to have their work read and critiqued. They also feature special guest speakers when available. This Roundtable usually meets on the fourth Monday of each month. Email to be added to the Screenwriters Roundtable listserv.
Contact: Jane Barbara —


Talent Roundtable

The Talent Roundtables are open to the general public. They provide an opportunity for talent and those who are interested in working with talent to network and learn about strengthening their skills. Talent Roundtables frequently feature special guest speakers from all aspects of the creative world. This Roundtable is currently looking for a volunteer leader to coordinate meetings with the WIFV staff. Email to be added to the Talent Roundtable listserv.


Documentary Roundtable

This program (usually held on the second Monday of every month) is a joint effort between Docs In Progress and Women in Film & Video. Roundtables hosted by Docs In Progress are a combination of networking, support group, and trailer feedback. Roundtables hosted by WIFV feature guest experts on topics of interest to documentary filmmakers. All Documentary Roundtable meetings are open to the public. This is a great way to get to know others in the DC-area documentary filmmaking community, build your network and know-how, and find out about other offerings of these two organizations. Email to be added to the Documentary Roundtable listserv.
Contact: Randi Cohen –


Editors Roundtable

The Editors Roundtables are open to the general public. They provide an opportunity for editors and those who are interested in working with editors to network and learn about strengthening their skills. Editors Roundtables frequently feature special guest speakers from all aspects of the creative world.  Email to be added to the Editors Roundtable listserv.
Contact: Ben Howard –


Animators Roundtable

The Animators Roundtables are open to the general public. They provide an opportunity for animators and those who are interested in working with animators to network and learn about strengthening their skills. Animators Roundtables frequently feature special guest speakers from all aspects of the creative world.  Email to be added to the Animators Roundtable listserv.
Contact: Dave Flood –


Hair & Makeup Roundtable

The Hair & Makeup Roundtable is an open forum for all interested in learning more about providing hair and makeup services in a media setting by providing workshops, mentorship, live demonstrations, and exploring best practices. Email to be added to the Makeup & Hair Roundtable listserv.


Narrative Directors Roundtable

The Narrative Directors Roundtables are open to the general public. It provides an opportunity for directors and those who are interested in working with directors to network and learn about strengthening their skills. Narrative Directors Roundtables frequently feature special guest speakers, film case studies, and opportunities for directors and writers to network and develop collaborations. This Roundtable usually meets on the first Monday of the month.  Email to be added to the Narrative Directors Roundtable listserv.
Contact:  Brian Pascale –



Creating a Roundtable:

Roundtables can be created for any interest area within WIFV (directors, producers, freelancers, staff, owners, audio, etc.), based on location (Silver Spring, Alexandria, etc.), or for specific membership levels. There is no limit to the number of Roundtables that can be created, and each governs itself using guidelines provided by WIFV.

When a Roundtable is created, WIFV will provide

-A Roundtable specific listserv, if requested

-Articles in the newsletter when provided by the Roundtable leaders

-Announcements of meetings in the calendar section of WIFV’s website

-Guidance and advice when needed.

-A Roundtable recruitment table at the WIFV Open House.

For more information on specific Roundtables, contact the WIFV office at (202) 429-9438.