WIFTI Summit 2012
National Gallery of Art, Conservation Labs in Washington, DC
Friday, Nov. 30th 10:30 a.m.-12:00 noon.
Writer: Elizabeth McGraw-Austin, Women in Film & Video Member

Women in Film & Video DC recently hosted the International WIFTI (Women in Film and Television International) Summit at the University of California DC campus. Part of the wonderful weekend included a tour of the National Gallery of Art’s conservation areas, arranged by WIFV Board member Sandy Northrop. The gallery has an amazing preservation staff. Some of the employees came to preservation through their own art, others through sciences like chemistry.The group visited four preservation areas. The first studio was for the restoration of paintings, where the restorer said that she can spend over a year working on a large-ish painting. The next area made use of Spectroscopy to image how a painting is made– from the materials used in its creation to whether a canvas was re-used. Other areas visited were sculpture and paper preservation.
About the Writer: Elizabeth McGraw-Austin, Women in Film & Video Member
Elizabeth McGraw-Austin is a hands-on video producer, writer and editor who uses words, images and sounds to inform and entertain. The blog for her documentary in progress, “An Inconvenient Car,” tracks thoughts about how the day-to-day choices we make can impact climate change.
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