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Soudah & Sexpectations


Sexpectations is a laugh-out-loud progressive comedy about Katie and her roommate, Victoria, who have been virgins for way too long. As they approach the end of their 20s, their lack of experience is no longer sweet or novel- it’s just weird. Sexpectations is a show for women (and curious men) about the woes of young adult dating from our side of the bed.

Jenna and Kevin Good wrote and directed the independent series. Gus Soudah of Light and Camera Werks LLC was “lucky enough to serve as Director of Photography for the project and was thrilled to work with such a great cast and crew. So much fun working in this project.” You can watch it on AppleTV or purchase it on Amazon here.

S04E15 of the WIFV podcast “Media & Monuments” interviewed the Goods for “Exceeding Indie TV Show Sexpectations.” You can listen to it here.

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