News & Notes

Yniguez, Script Supervisor

Laurisha Yniquez recently returned to the DMV after being on location in the Mojave desert for the sci-fi movie, THE LIGHTS ABOVE. Managing continuity during dusk was challenging, but seeing the stars made wrap every day special. She is now available for summer projects as a scripty. You can email her here and see her in photo with script!

THE LIGHTS ABOVE was a challenging project, especially for a short film. A period piece set in 1942 Los Angeles, the film featured extensive production design, ranging from minor props to major sets, all of which required the oversight of a skilled script supervisor. Laurisha not only maintained continuity from shot to shot in a variety of locations but also cataloged every visual detail so that the editor (and the post-production team in general) could make certain decisions more efficiently. Abhinav Tiku, film editor

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